Pope Francis in Southeast Asia – Dr. Jonathan Tan to be a Panelist on the Online Roundtable Discussion

From Sept. 2nd to 13th, 2024, Pope Francis will travel to Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Timor Leste, and Singapore. The longest apostolic journey since the beginning of his papacy, Pope Francis will engage with not only some of the richest and poorest countries of today’s world, but also with the most religiously diverse society (Singapore) and the most Catholic nation of the 21th century (Timor Leste) as well as with the country with the world’s largest Muslim population (Indonesia). In this online roundtable, panelists will analyze most important aspects of this papal visit and their relevance for local governments, ecclesial communities, national development, and cross-regional connections.

Roundtable Panelists

Rev. Elga Sarapung – Indonesia
Director of the Institute for Interfaith Dialogue in Indonesia (INTERFIDEI)
Archbishop Clement Papa – Papua New Guinea
Coadjutor Archbishop of Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea
Professor Michael Leach – Timor Leste
Professor in Politics and International Relations, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia
Professor Jonathan Y. Tan – Singapore
Archbishop Paul J. Hallinan Professor of Catholic Studies, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, USA

Online Roundtable
Tuesday, 3 September 2024
8:00 AM Eastern Time
8:00 PM Singapore Time

Initiative for the Study of Asian Catholics – ISAC
National University of Singapore – Asia Research Institute