—Religious Studies is not currently accepting MA applications as we restructure and improve our program—

The department offers a graduate program leading to a Master of Arts degree in Religious Studies. This two-year program concentrates on method and theory in the study of religion. The MA is designed to give students from a variety of backgrounds a solid foundation in the methods used in the contemporary study of religion.

Program Curriculum

First Year Units
Fall Spring
Foundational Readings in Religious Studies (RLGN 400) (A reading course based on the major formative works of the field. Bibliography to be worked out by graduate advisor in consultation with the student. Students will demonstrate familiarity with the literature through written examination.) 3
One 400-level RLGN course 3
An elective dealing with the method and theory in the study of religion 3
An elective dealing with method and theory in the study of religion 3
Independent Study with thesis advisor to prepare proposal. To be approved by the graduate faculty by the beginning of the third semester. 3
One 400-level RLGN course 3
Year Total: 9 9
Second Year Units
Fall Spring
One 400-level RLGN course 3
Thesis M.A. (RLGN 651) (or elective) 3
Thesis M.A. (RLGN 651) 3
Thesis M.A. (RLGN 651) 3
Year Total: 9 3
Total Units in Sequence:   30